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Es kommen nicht nur handgefertigte Messer aus der Werkstatt von Peter Herbst. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Firmen in der Messerindustrie, arbeitet Peter Herbst an Produkten für die Massenanfertigung.
Mit berechtigtem Stolz freut sich Peter Herbst über seine Arbeit mit dem amerikanischen Messerfabrikant Spyderco®, Inc mit Hauptsitz in Golden, Colorado. Für Spyderco hat Peter Herbst ein Klappmesser mit Ganzmetall-Konstruktion entwickelt. Dieses handliche Messer wird in zwei Ausführungen hergestellt: Das Modell C53P mit normal geschliffener Schneidekante und das Modell C53PS, dessen Klinge über ca. die Hälfte seiner Länge mit Spydercos Wellenschliff versehen ist. Beide Messer haben Griffschalen aus mattgestrahltem Alu, Klingen aus ATS-55 Hochleistungsedelstahl und sind in Seki, Japan hergestellt.

Sal Glesser schreibt über Peter Herbst:
"When I first met Peter Herbst in Germany it was approximately 1991. I was very impressed by his refined designs and his meticulous attention to detail. I especially appreciated the gold plated ball bearings in his own folding knives although we could not do that in production. Peter is a first class machinist which allows him to do such quality work.

"Spyderco's collaboration with Peter Herbst was our first with a European designer. It took a number of years to get the project completed because our first attempt to produce it in Germany was unsuccessful. When we finally took the tooling to Japan the results were a very nice, attractive folding pocket knife.

"I have enjoyed a very friendly relationship with Peter over the years and look forward to seeing him each year when I travel to Europe. Peter and his family are very close and I have the pleasure of knowing his delightful family as well. I value my friendship with Peter very much and trust it will continue for many years to come."

Sal Glesser
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